This premium tutorial is for
Manga University students
Using Paint Shop Pro (Part 2)

I did not have access to a scanner at the time I drew this, so I decided to do the entire pic in PSP6. To start off, I placed the original pic on the screen, and, referencing it, drew (I did not trace it on purpose, I wanted to see how it would turn out) the lined version on a newly opened image (go to File/New to open the new images). Then go to Layers/New Raster Layer to open a new layer for you to draw on. Here, I used the draw tool (click on the "draw" tool and a new "Draw options" window opens up) with the option "Type" set to "Point to Point line", option "Style" set to "Stroked" (as opposed to "Filled"), and "Antialias" turned on (to smooth out the lines, they look jagged without it).